Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I would just like to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving this year. And I would also like to ask you to keep the troops fighting overseas in your holiday prayers this year. They can't be with their families this Thanksgiving, and they need our prayers. Thank you very much.

Monday, November 19, 2007


I just want to thank all those who have participated in the spirited exchange in the comments section of my blog. Keep it up! I want to stir up a good debate.

"All you need is love!"

On a completely semi-political note, I believe this video from the amazing Dave Matthews Band sums up what America needs. Dennis Kucinich would be proud.

Stop Fighting!

The Election of 2008 has been in full swing for a good year or so now, if not more. And I consider myself a pretty devoted follower of this election. I have observed all the candidates, and I have become extremely disappointed with each one, Republican and Democrat. For too long now, the candidates have been fighting, slinging mud and make personal attacks. It seems like John Edwards and Barack Obama's favorite phrase in the English language is, "Senator Clinton." Rudy Giuliani has made absurd attacks against our own senator, questioning his foreign policy experience. Mike Huckabee has harshly attacked Mitt Romney on the issue of immigration.
What do this all have in common? This is cheapening our system, big time. These candidates wonder why more people don't support them; it's because you are so damn negative. It the Democrats want to win this election, then they must stop all the bickering. It's time for this election to be about two competing philosophies for the future of this country. This is not about who can out do who in attacks. It's about the PEOPLE and the ISSUES of our great country. Stop the neagative ads and the attacks. Stop cheapening our system and turning people away from politics. Stop making me puke during the debates. This will ruin our system, because less and less people will vote if this continues. We must bring in new voters and get young people excited about politics again. If this continues, that will be a distant dream. STOP FIGHTING.


Monday, November 05, 2007


Hello and welcome to my new blog, the New Progressive Voice which is dedicated to carrying on the progressive movement in this nation to the next generation of Americans. Here, we will look at issues that matter to average Americans who have been left behind by government. We will also hold those people in public life accountable. My name is Read Scott and I am currently a student. I am passionate about politics and want to one day become a politician. I must say for the sake of fairness, I am a Democrat, a die hard, progressive Democrat, in the model of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Paul Wellstone, and John F. Kennedy. I hope you come back often and participate in the debate ahead.

Read T. Scott
The New Progressive Voice